Wednesday, December 30, 2009



2007/02/15 08:37
李玉時阿姨賀寶芙真實故事 - 子宮頸癌末期醫生放棄治療

醫生束手無策 , 我也放棄了自己

我 42 歲時患子宮頸癌 , 開刀後照了30 次鈷 60 , 三次的化療讓我的頭髮全部脫落不成人。幾經折磨、治療 , 四年後再度大量出血腫瘤惡化 , 只能靠點滴、類固醇及輸血苟延殘喘 , 病情不見改善 , 最後醫生估計大約只剩 3 個月的生命並決定放棄 , 我也陷入絕望 ....... 。

突然有一天上天派來了一通電話 , 給了我生命的契機 。

多年不見的朋友打電話告訴我 :「全世界最大的食品公司來到台灣 , 是個國際事業。」他不斷地找我談事業 , 不勝其擾 , 最後我告訴他 : 「我只有 3 個月可活命 , 有錢你去賺吧 !」隔了幾天他帶了 3 套產品 , 告訴我有 2 罐是營養 ( 營養蛋白混合飲料、草維錠 ) , 有 2 罐是代謝 ( 細喜錠草本濃縮速溶茶飲 ) , 放著就走了。從我得病後四面八方的偏方、草藥、健康食品數百萬元花費都不見好轉 , 區區 4 罐怎麼有可能改善 。( 註 : 早期在台灣賀寶芙只有 4 種產品 )

當晚面對奶昔打開一吃 , 發現實在太好吃了, 心想 : 人都快死了 , 既然好吃就盡量多吃 ! 結果 10 幾天後體力漸漸增強 , 精神及健康狀況提昇 , 所有認識我的朋友都感到訝異 , 難以置信。

持續 2 年多賀寶芙營養食品的保養使我成為一個健康的人 , 我參加了日本的大會看到歐巴桑都能上總裁 , 我有信心我可以一生吃賀寶芙 , 也一生做賀寶芙 ! 回到台灣之後跟著陳明傑總裁夫婦一步一腳印地學習 3 年的時間 , 我順利合格晉升富豪組成員。

我感謝賀寶芙給了我亮麗的人生 , 我深深體會經營賀寶芙事業成功的關鍵是在於百分之百對公司的信任、對產品的信心、對上線及下線的凝聚力和對這一切的一切擁抱感恩的心。



2007/02/15 10:12

細菌感染導致的敗血性休克 (septic shock) 是美國加護病房的主要死因之一,其病因是白血球的誘發性一氧化氮合成脢 (iNOS)製造一氧化氮來消滅細菌。但由於誘發性一氧化氮一誘發便不可收拾,結果製造過度大量的 [ 誘發型一氧化氮 ],而使血管擴張,造成血壓下降。嚴重者甚至死亡 。


上禮拜六、日 ( 2006 年 3 月 11 和 12 日 ) 帶我 ( Stanlyle )媽去參加賀寶芙的大鵬灣露營風情之旅!真是超開心的!因為第一次帶我媽參加賀寶芙的活動,真是有夠爽的!哈哈!因為他從不認同到現在竟然跟著我跑活動!這一切真是太感謝賀寶芙的效果了!
後來她,幸運的遇到了他的上線!他老婆就買了 Herbal Aloe 濃縮蘆薈汁 Niteworks 夜寧新賀寶芙營養美味奶昔 !問醫生是否可以給她老公吃!醫生說,是否有檢驗合格,她說有!醫生就說,那就可以給他吃!就這樣,以灌食的方式,大量的餵食,終於,高燒退了!更讓她增加信心........,最後,他們夫妻倆就一起出現在當天的會場,訴說著他們當年的過程!被醫生宣判無效,最後可以跟大家分享他們的故事!在場的所有人,哭的亂七八糟!真的超感動的!真的完全看不出,她老公曾是被醫生宣布無效的人!真的很感謝賀寶芙!給他們的這一切!
附註 :

( 1 ) Herbal Aloe 濃縮蘆薈汁 Niteworks 夜寧新賀寶芙營養美味奶昔 幫助身體抗氧化 , 降低自由基的活性 , 以故事中這位爺爺的狀況 , 自由基的來源可能有 :
1. 當炎症反應 . 細菌侵入時 , 負責殺滅工作的有巨噬細胞及噬中性白血球 , 這些吞噬細胞所組合而成的防禦系統 , 在刺激之下會產生活性氧及自由基幫助殺滅外來入侵的細菌 .
2. 缺血或缺血後再灌注 . 細胞在缺血狀態時 , 氧化脢會自然增加 , 這時會產生種種活性氧 . 這些活性氧會在缺血狀況引起 , 然而由於氧的再一次進入 , 可產生更大量的活性氧 , 在典型的器官移植時會碰上 . 當器官取出時 , 會呈現缺血現象 , 而移植後 , 血液再次流注 , 也會產生大量的活性氧自由基 .
3. 粒腺體和微粒體. 粒腺體為了有效氧化能源 , 生理上會產生各式個樣的活性氧 . 為了不使產生的活性氧外漏 , 身體中有許多抑制活性氧的的機構 , 但是在細胞破壞時 , 粒腺體膜遭受損害 , 此時這些活性氧外漏 , 就可以直接傷害細胞本身 .
4. 若組織缺血及在缺氧狀態下 , 會釋出氧化自由基 , 這些自由基會進一步引起細胞膜脂質 < 過氧化 >反應 , 產生脂性過氧化物 ( L.P.O. ) , 造成組織更大的傷害 . 而在過度刺激的緊張狀態 , 也會有 L.P.O. 上升的現象 , 例如噪音刺激 , 電刺激 , 腦和其它器官會出現 L.P.O. 含量增加的情形 .
5 . 藥物 . 在藥品中大家普遍較熟悉的 , 如麻醉劑 , 解熱鎮痛劑 , 抗結核劑 , 抗生素及多種抗癌劑 , 都可以在體內產生自由基引起種種臟器的損害 .
6 . 放射線 . 有氧存在時 , 水如果被放射線照射後可產生自由基 ( . OH) , 氫原子 (H+) . 這些游離基與身體內的分子起反應就成為自由基 , 人體 70 % 是水 , 放射線會對人體產生損傷 , 除了放射線直接的能量傷害外 , 再次就是被產生的自由基攻擊損傷 , 最近的研究發現甚至會影響到細胞核內的DNA 。
很多不同來源的自由基 , 隨著血液游走於組織細胞之間 , 伺機而攻擊 , 這些具有強大破壞力的過氧化物質 , 如果人體無法有效的清除 ( 如 SOD ) , 依賴的仍是由大自然界中草本植物提供各型的抗氧化成份 . Herbalife 賀寶芙個人化的營養飲品和營養錠片 , 均衡完整的科技配方 , 富含天然草本抗氧化群 , 幫助鈍化自由基 。

( 2 ) Niteworks 夜寧新路易斯伊格納羅博士 ( Dr . Ignarro 一氧化氮研究上的諾貝爾獎得主) 和 Herbalife 賀寶芙研發團隊所共同研發 , 精緻獨特的專利配方---- 增進體內健康一氧化氮的含量 。( 可增進促進健康的 [ 組織型的一氧化氮 ] , 調節過量有害人體會導致敗血症的 [ 誘發型的一氧化氮 ] 。 )

身體內自然生成一氧化氮的來源 :
組織型的一氧化氮合成脢 ( constitutive )
組織型的一氧化氮合成脢 ( constitutive ) , 基本上存在於內皮細胞與神經細胞 , 血小板 ,肥大細胞與白血球, 合成一氧化氮過程 , 需要鈣離子。
1 . 是中樞神經系統內的訊號因子 , 會朝各方向擴散啟動鄰近所有的細胞 ,能調節許多人體功能維持恆定性 ( homestasis ),在神經突觸則是當做神經傳導因子 , 和腦部記憶 , 學習 , 注意力和行為等有關。例 : 大腦依賴一氧化氮存取長期記憶。(當活化的神經單元釋放一氧化氮化學信息物滲透至鄰近的神經單元 , 而受其受體作用時 , 便可活化細胞而傳導細包搏動。)
2 . 在血管內皮製成的一氧化氮 , 會迅速滲透細胞膜到底層的肌肉細胞 , 控制收縮的鈣離子濃度下降 , 使平滑肌因一氧化氮放鬆 , 讓血管擴張而調節血壓 , 並助不同器官的血液流動更順暢 ; 一氧化氮同時也可以滲透回去血管內 , 降低血小板的凝集和降低血小板附著於內皮細胞( 降低血栓的形成 )。
誘發型的一氧化氮合成脢 ( inducible )
誘發型的一氧化氮合成脢 ( inducible ) 主要存在發炎細胞 , 當這些細胞受到細菌或發炎細胞刺激 , 大量分泌一氧化氮 , 執行殺菌或其他身體免疫調節功能 , 保護細胞免於自由基破壞 , 並不需要鈣離子幫忙, 但可被類固醇抑制。
在白血球製成的一氧化氮 , 會干擾病毒的 < 信息核糖核酸 (mRNA) 與人體細胞的 < 核糖核蛋白體 > 結合 , 助於阻礙各種病毒企圖利用人體細胞的分裂進行繁殖 , 有助於對抗感染。例如 :如果這病毒是致癌病毒 , 那麼就是有助於降低致癌病毒在人體繁殖的機會。
[ 誘發型一氧化氮 ] 可以幫助身體摧毀病原菌。細菌感染導致菌血症 , 細菌毒素刺激發炎細胞或內皮細胞釋放大量 [ 誘發型一氧化氮 ] , [ 誘發型一氧化氮 ]的過量對身體反而有害 , 引起組織傷害與低血壓 , 嚴重時造成死亡。
兼具抗氧化劑與強化循環功能 一氧化氮在人體內進行上述各種功能的同時 , 它兼具威力極強的抗氧化劑功能 , 能有效鈍化體內造成細胞損傷的自由基。有助於減緩身體內部老化的速度。

3. 蘆薈對細胞膜 , 血管黏膜的修補及保護作用
人體有 60 兆的細胞 , 細胞膜含郵脂及多醣體 ( 醣蛋白 glycoprotein ) , 保護細胞膜 , 並為持細胞膜選擇性的滲透壓 , 使好的營養得以滲入 , 細胞內新陳代謝的廢物得以排出 . 當細胞發炎 , 自由基 , 紫外線 , 放射線 ........ 等而受損時 , 必需馬上消炎並補充油脂 ( 以不保和脂肪酸為主 )和醣蛋白多醣體 -- 巴維德的油脂理論最堅持的就在此 . 她強調細胞膜不可受氫化植物油包圍而窒息 ( 癌症造成的原因之一 ) .
glycoprotein 醣蛋白多醣體 , 像一層一層黏滑性的纖維狀蜘蛛網 , 與膠原蛋白構成細胞與細胞間的物質 , 維持結締組織完整而紮實的彈性 .

4 . 賀寶芙營養蛋白混合飲料 (Nutritional Protein Drink Mix ) :
此營養飲料係太空營養專家 Dr. S. Paul Dewan 專為美國太空人星際航行所設計 , 已經證實其中含有 84 種營養要素 , 已涵蓋了人體細胞吸收和代謝所需的全質營養元素 , 包括維生素 、 礦物質 、 必須氨基酸 、 必須脂肪酸 、 膳食纖維、 中分子碳水化合物 、 抗氧化物 、 草本精華 、 專利蛋白消化酵素等 , 一般又稱為 Formula - 1 。
營養蛋白混合飲料從一開始就是 Herbalife 賀寶芙的主力商品 。 Herbalife 賀寶芙的創辦人馬克休斯先生一開始 ( 1980 年 ) 就是在他汽車的後車廂開始銷售這項革命性產品的 。 道今天為止 , 營養蛋白混合飲料依舊是Herbalife 賀寶芙全球最暢銷的產品之一 。 
營養蛋白混合飲料是賀寶芙公司 , 採擷最優質的草本精華 , 以尖端科技萃取 , 生產出有助於均衡營養 , 促進健康的獨特產品 。

陳斐琲在 24 歲罹患鼻咽癌中末期 使用賀寶芙健康重建變成總裁

陳斐琲在 24 歲罹患鼻咽癌中末期

分類:產品故事分享 2007/02/15 09:26 來自今週刊的報導 --

陳斐琲在 24 歲罹患鼻咽癌中末期 使用賀寶芙健康重建變成總裁

來自今週刊的報導 -- 陳斐琲在 24 歲罹患鼻咽癌中末期

陳斐琲在 24 歲罹患中末期鼻咽,差點失去生命,7 年前因緣際會接觸傳銷保健與減重產品「賀寶芙」,並開始經營,如今已經晉升為賀寶芙體系中「總裁」級人物,今年 36 歲,年薪 800 萬,她在傳銷事業中找到人生新的起跑點!
您再說一遍,我聽不到你說的話!對不起,因為我的右耳已經失聰!」陳斐琲用略帶沙啞的嗓音說著。 和她談話過程中,稍微留意,也可以注意到她特別仔細看著對方的嘴巴,事後她也會解釋說:「因為聽力不好,所以必須靠讀唇語了解別人講的話。」 初見她,160 公分的高挑身材、捲曲的大波浪頭、合身的穿著、皮膚白晢,臉上淡施脂粉,看起來就像個自信的都會女性,很難想像她曾跟癌症搏鬥過,與死神擦身而過的陰暗過去。 右耳失聰、嗓音沙啞,全是 24 歲那年罹患癌症,放射治療的後遺症,坐近點看,她脖子上的疤痕還清晰可見;說話時比一般人還吃力,癌症在她身上烙下不滅的疤痕,卻沒有打敗她堅強的求生意志,也未澆熄她對生命的熱情。 今年 1 月,陳斐琲升任新科總裁,在賀寶芙,台灣地區有 14 位總裁級經銷商,所謂總裁是指每月營業額 20 萬美元(新台幣 680 萬元),年薪至少 800 萬元,這些都是她生病之後才開始的人生,從小家境清寒的她,絕沒有想到,自己有一天會有這樣的成就。

家境清寒的陳斐琲,家中有 5 個姐妹,從小就開始半工半讀,最後他選擇休學在一家報社打工,跑廣告,後來也兼跑新聞,賺取生活費用。有天,她奉派訪問一個外國人,發現自已的英文實是破得可以,後來決心赴美國見見世面。那年她不過 20 歲。 到了美國,她白天在北加州的 Red wood college 念書,晚上在餐館打工,半夜才有空寫報告,每天忙得沒時間睡覺。約莫念了一年半,英文大為精進,但是身體卻開始出現狀況,上課時,黑板上的字突然從一行變成四行,明明只有一個老師站在台上,卻變成四個人。她本來是一個很愛吃的人,卻突然變得一點胃口都沒有了,體重驟減,穿合身的裙子都快掉下來。 在美國找遍了醫師也檢查不出所以然,1992 年只好回國,到孫逸仙治癌醫院做檢查,檢查結果,醫師宣布她得了第三、第四期鼻咽腫瘤 正好長在頭顱正中央,足足有 9 公分大,後來她轉往台大醫院治療。 那段治癌的日子,陳斐琲說:「只能用身不由己、任人宰割來形容。」為了做放射治療,她一天拔 4 顆牙, 2 天內拔了 8 顆臼齒,接著照鈷 60 長達 3 個月的放射療程,聲帶與右耳都是在那時壞掉的。後遺症還不僅於此,每次一照完,她全身水腫,接著再萎縮,脖子上脫了 4 層皮,臉上的皮膚也脫了3 次。

陳斐琲用雙手摸著脖子,當年的傷痛彷彿又回到眼前一般。做完放射治療,陳斐琲感到生不如死,「食道全破,完全不能吞嚥,連喝白開水也只能含在嘴裡一點一點的流進喉嚨,最後必須用鼻胃管進食。」有次媽媽在家裡燉了 3 小時的雜糧飯,要透過鼻胃管餵食,但是溫度調得不對,食物進到胃裡,令她很不舒服,她一氣之下,竟用力把鼻胃管扯下,害得媽媽好傷心。她說到這裡,語氣中仍充滿愧疚感。 生病期間,家人給她全然的愛,幫助她走過來,曾有人建議使用尿療法,家人為了鼓勵她,媽媽說:「既然尿那麼好,那我們就全家一起喝吧!」於是全家陪著她喝尿。 治療半年後,她再回到醫院做定期追蹤核磁共振掃描,結果報告出來,醫師宣布,腫瘤雖然縮小,但是還有殘餘 3 公分大,必須再次接受放射治療。聽到醫師這麼說,「我當時無力的想死了算了!」而一向堅強的媽媽也終於決堤了,因為怕陳斐琲看到,所以在她轉身離去的那一剎那,才見到媽媽無言到難以承受的流下淚來。陳斐琲說,她當時心裡真的很難過。講到這裡,陳斐琲忍不住紅了眼眶。

她決定不再接受放射治療,回家進行長期療養,兩年後病情沒有進一步惡化,她實在悶得發慌,想出去找工作,有天應徵到一份彈性工作,到香港做皮革展示,那年她認識了現在的「前夫」,兩人認識 3 個月就結婚,「或許是覺得生命都快沒了,什麼事都想嘗試。」 結婚後 2 年,她在先生的公司幫忙,也因為這個緣故,她才開始接觸賀寶芙。當時她的先生很胖, 180 公分、100 多公斤,經人介紹吃賀寶芙減重產品,瘦了 20 幾公斤,體重只剩 78 公斤,辦公室女同事,看他瘦了之後,像○○七似的,紛紛打探到底是用了什麼方法減肥,總共有 30 幾個女同事想要減肥,於是她幫忙代訂賀寶芙產品。 但是一開始她只幫忙代訂產品,並沒有參與經營,一直到 1996 年,賀寶芙國際總裁馬克休斯來台,一位醫學博士說:「如果想擁有不易生病的體質,必須長期使用 7 年 ( 註 : 人體全身的細胞更新需 7 年的時間 )。」 那時她才知道,原來這個產品不只可以減重,還可以保健、改善體質。更有位成功人分享在家工作(Work at home)系統,於是她決定好好了解這個產品,她開始去上公司安排的課程,也讓自己身體狀況變好,一步步脫離病患的日子。與此同時,她也慢慢開始直銷經營的事業。 如果按公司給她的建議, 1 個月至少要接觸 10 個人,但是因為她聲帶受損,缺乏唾液,因此她 1 個月才接觸 1 個人。她努力向成功的人學習,了解他們成功的特質,所謂成功是指在傳銷領域可以拿著麥克風讓人分享他成功經驗的人,這樣的人,通常都具備講師資格,或是職位在頂端的人。在賀寶芙 7 年時間,她不錯過任何一次學習機會。

她習慣用「眼見為憑」來推廣產品,也就是用使用前與使用後的實例去吸引人,「這樣你根本就不用費力去說服對方。」有位高科技主管,經她介紹後,使用了賀寶芙產品減重,結果足足瘦了 17 公斤,整個人變得神采奕奕,他的同事看到他的改變,紛紛問他用了什麼產品。後來這個高科技主管乾脆辭掉工作做賀寶芙傳銷,成為她的下線,現在每個月薪 30 幾萬,比在原本的高科技公司還高。 做賀寶芙之後,生病的負數,卻反而成為正面的助力,在推廣保健產品時,她就是最佳代言人,具有說服力,這讓她的業務蒸蒸日上,她說:「最高興的事情是看著別人因為你的產品而脫胎換骨。」當然她也有碰到挫折的時候,但是她並不在意,當被拒絕的時候,我會認為「是對方不夠了解!」也因為一場大病,讓她更不在意人生的得失,愈不在意得失,成功的機會反而大增。

聖嚴法師曾經說過「阻力是因為要前進、累是因為要工作、挫折是因為要成功」,成功必定要面對挫折,這句話對她的影響很大,為了成功,她不怕挫折。大病之後,她體會人生無常,一定要活在當下,「要認真做、認真活」,現在的她,享受在家工作的樂趣,離婚後,她帶著惟一的女兒過活,休閒時她學潛水、攀岩、佛朗明哥舞,每年帶著父母親出國旅遊,生活的步調和諧極了。 現在她的腫瘤仍然是 3 公分,但醫師後來評估認為,已經 12 年了,應現在的情況應該是癒合後結疤的痕跡,是癌症與她和平共存的結果。 罹患癌症,讓她的生命轉彎,但是在轉彎處,卻是一個新的起跑點,陳斐琲在逆境中勇敢求生存,現在她體會到「人生,是可以自己選擇與掌握的。」

Friday, July 3, 2009

Testimonial... =)

This is Me... i lose weight 2 times using Herbalife product, total about 17kg... if you say you can't lose weight and improve health... you must Ask me How? Cause i can do it 2 times, why can't you? So ask me how, ask me NOW =)

Below is part of my team who involve in NC... and this is our team & NcC trade mark Name card... only Venna Team can used =)

here is my partner...

Merz... my ex schoolmate, now is my herbalife Nutrition Club Partner in Kluang, Johor. Having great result and still going on the programme and reshaping...
Improve migrain, hormon problem and many more... try to call her to ask about...

And Uncle Chew is a storke patient... and will be my partner later too... he used to use a special method to cure his stroke and others health product to improve his condition... but result not very good until using Herbalife Shake...
Stable his high blood presure, improve energy level, look young, feel young, anti-aging, and many more... check it out... he work at Imbi Plaza =)

And another hidden partner, very slim, fit, but having a better energy level after take this as a breakfast and now even better in overall... she is Shann Quek... a humble and straight person... helping us very much in backing up work... she is a great Hair Designer at my hometown Kluang too... Can come to visit if you in Kluang, Johor =)

Tracy, an engineer, also a Master graduate back ground lady but now very successful in Herbalife with her great reshaping result and personality =)

An proven cellular Nutrition product that even baby and use to imrpove health...
especially those baby allergy to dairy products...

Subhan is Singaporean... taking care by a good coach and being serious enough in the programme. He manage to lose 47 kg in 6months with the product in Singapore and imrpove his health problem and conditions...

This is my mum... improve her uric acid, gout problem, high cholestrol... etc...
all the result is just thru changing a Healths Breakfast... Ask me how? Ask me now =)

Ken Wang, my upline from Taiwan... suffering from a special bone problems and can't gain weight until he use herbalife in 4 years ago... everything change and imrpove... and prolong his life till now... He is also a good coach in leading us how to be successful in this Cellular Nutrition opportunity... a 27 years old young man, from RM0 until today income above RM15,000++ so i believe he can lead me to reach my target too... thru helping people improving their health, lose/gain weight =)

Xia... my member in Kluang... great result and follow my instruction to achieve her desire result =)

May, my very serious member... lose 26kg in 6 months... regain her confident and life...

Mr You is a great man... cause his mother is a great mother too...
He use to lose weight and train muscle and health... so same as you... you sure can make it...
And You's mother had help Mr Lai Zhi Hong achieving his great losing weight story (150kg)
to know the story in more detail... call or emial me =P

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nutrition Club in Kluang -- part 2

This is the glance before my opening...
still under reno and deco...

Hope to see everyone in Kluang during my opening day =)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Perfect Nutrition Station --- Kluang Branch

Perfect Nutrition Station... Kluang Branch

Grand Opening in Chinese New Year =)
27.1.2009 --- 9am sharp (Tuesday)

After that...

Morning : 8am - 2pm
Evening : 6pm - 9pm
Off-day... to be anounce by shop leader =)

During 27.1.2009 Opening Day

60 free healthy yummy Shakes and free flow of energy tea to be served =)
Free wellness scan service too!!! Just bring along all your friends and families together to join us at this special day...

Special opening package during CNY --- Check it out!!! =)

Come to join and make our opening to be the Greatest and Warmest ever...

Everyone is Invited

hOw iMpoRtaNt is YoUr HeALth tO YoU?

if you are healthy today, health is meaningless to you...
But if you are not healthy, then health will be a bomb to you and your family... a bomb that kill your wealth and happiness...So if there is a chance to spend a minimum in your breakfast and yet can ensure you to have a healthier life, do you willing to make a change today?
Ask me how and Ask me Now!!


Dream Works team --- Jasmine, LeeLing & Shann (& family helper)

Supported team --- Karen Sim, Andy Phan, Eva Chia, Joanne Sim,
Ken, Vinna Shu, Chen Jiuan, Pei Fong etc

**ViP Guest Team ---Gavin Wong(MiL),Shir Li Phuah(MiL), Yi Xuan,
(HBLfriendly team) Samantha Koh, Ann Yap etc

**special invited ViP from time to time... if the respond is great and warm =)

Team work makes Dream works...
without a dream, life is without direction...
so what is your dream?

Can Cancer Cure?

Under weakly alkaline condition, cancerous cells will not be able to grow, or even to survive.在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。
Actual case studies, very important, please read patiently and pass this on.實案例,很重要,請耐心看完,請轉寄哦!!
Even if you have read this before, you should reread this, especially the list of acidic and alkaline foodstuff , best to read several times and remember.即使看過了還是要再看,尤其下面的酸鹼性食物最好多看幾次,就可以記住了
Please read this article in full patiently, it will be helpful to your health.請耐心看完這篇文章,對自身健康很有幫助
More than 30 years ago, a Mr Zhang who worked in the public sales department of a Taipei Brewery, participated in the brewery overseas study selection examination, and passed with flying colours.三十多年前有一位服務於公賣局台北啤酒廠的張先生,參加該啤酒場選派技術人員到國外深造的考試,以優異的成績及格。
Before going overseas during the physical examination at a public hospital, it was discovered that he had a tumour growth in his lung the size of a child's fist, and therefore was not able to go overseas to study.在出國前經某公立醫院體檢發現,罹患有像小孩拳頭大小的肺部腫瘤,因而不能出國。
The greatly disappointed Mr Zhang had always been suspicious that the diagnosis was wrong. So he went to another hospital for a check-up, the result confirm that previous diagnosis was not in error.張先生非常失望之餘,一直懷疑診斷有誤;於是再到另一家醫院檢查,結果還是證實原來的診斷並無錯誤。
For the youthful and healthy Mr Zhang to be stricken down with such terminal illness, in his despair, he rang his old classmate who at the time was Taidong County Government, Huangsun County Mayor's secretary, Mr Wei.當時年輕力壯的張先生得到這樣的絕症,在人生絕望之餘,多次打電話給當時任職台東縣政府黃順興縣長機要秘書的魏姓同學。
Mr Wei rushed to Taipei during his rest day on a Sunday to see Mr Zhang.魏姓同學便利用星期日趕到台北和張先生見面,
Mr Zhang discussed with Mr Wei in detail his despair and pessimism, and entrusted his friend regarding his affairs after his death. Coincidentally, Mr Wei was a good friend of Dr Lu Geling, who was in charge of the Maijie Hospital, 1945-55, and specialised in the clinical research into cancer cases.張先生向魏同學詳述相關絕望的詳情和悲觀感受,並請位同學協助其後事,恰逢魏同學與前任馬偕醫院院長1949-55年專精於癌症臨床研究的呂革令 博士係知交好友。
He immediately suggested that Mr Zhang go to see Dr Lu for treatment. At first, Mr Zhang said he preferred not to see anymore doctors, so as not to add further to his misery.當即建議前往訪求呂博士醫治,起初張先生說不願再看醫生,以免徒增傷悲;
But Mr Wei told him that he had telephoned Dr Lu before to seek his advice and arranged an appointment. Mr Zhang felt obligated and went with Mr Wei to meet Dr Lu.但魏同學說先前已以電話請教過呂博士並安排好時間,張先生只好偕同前往呂博士住處造訪。
When Dr Lu met with Mr Zhang, Dr Lu said: ' Mr Wei is a friend and introduced you and I to get to know each other. This is destiny. Thank you. Let me ask you do you know why is cancer referred to as terminal illness?'呂博士和張先生見面就說:「魏先生是我的好友,介紹你和我認識是我們緣份,感謝。我請教你:『癌為什麼叫絕症,你可知道嗎?』」
Both Mr Zhang and Mr Wei did not know how to answer.張先生和魏先生都不知道如何作答。
Dr Lu explained: 'There are only two approaches taken by humans to treat cancer to-date. The first is to destroy the source of the disease. The second is to increase the capability to fight the disease.呂博士又說:「人類醫治癌症到目前為止只有兩條路,第一條路是消滅病源,第二條路是增加抵抗力。
But the strange thing is that, whether we use Cobalt 60 or other drugs to destroy the cancer cells, before the cancer cells are killed, the good cells are destroyed first.但很奇怪的是,癌無論用鈷60或其他藥物去消滅癌細胞,可是癌細胞還沒被消滅,好的細胞卻先被殺死。
On the other hand, no matter what nutrients or supplements we use, before the good cells have a chance to absorb them, the cancer cells have taken them up and it simply speeds up the growth of cancer.另無論用什麼營養、補藥,好的細胞還未吸收,癌細胞卻先吸收、讓癌長得更快;
Therefore both approaches are doomed to failure, that is why cancer is terminal.'因此可說上述兩條路都行不通、所以叫絕症。」
Dr Lu continues: 'Human beings are most clever, they have successfully landed on the moon. But why is it no one ever questioned the above two approaches for treating cancer which are nothing but self defeating dead-ends, and try to seek a third avenue?呂博士又說:「人類的聰明連登陸月球也都已經成功,但為什麼沒有人去懷疑上述兩條治癌的路是在鑽牛角尖,另外找第三條路?
When I was conducting clinical research in Majie Hospital , I had many opportunities to work with and being helped by many colleagues in the Hospital. I discovered that the blood tests of 100% of the cancer patients showed that the blood samples are acidic.我以往在馬偕醫院做癌症临床實驗,並得院內各部同仁協助的機會,我發現癌症病人血液檢查的結果百分之百都是酸性反應。
Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and amongst them, there has yet to discover any cancer cases.長期素食、且生活接近自然的佛寺僧尼,由於體質都偏屬優質弱鹼性,所以尚沒有發現罹患癌症的病例。
Therefore, I boldly concluded that under weakly alkaline condition, cancer cells are not able to grow, or even to survive.因此我大膽的斷定在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。
Mr Zhang, I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes.張先生我建議你從現在起少吃酸性的葷食類,
Take more of the alkaline food. In addition you can take green algae and soup made from water chestnuts with skin,多吃鹼性食物,另外可吃綠藻和帶殼菱角湯,
modify your physical condition, and try seriously to have a regular life style which is close to Nature;改變你的體質,並勵行接近自然的良好生活規律;
If you can manage to stay alive for five years, you should have no further problem. I wish you the best of luck.'如果五年內不死、你就沒問題了,祝福你。」
Mr Zhang followed Dr Lu's suggestion and seriously altered his eating habits.張先生依照呂博士的建議,認真改變吃的習慣,
Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, be optimistic and did an appropriate amount of exercise, and went back to the same public hospital for a check up. It was discovered that not only that the tumour did not increase in size, on the contrary it showed signs of shrinking, and surprised the hospital staff conducting the check-up as a miracle. Five years later, the tumour had shrunk to such a state as to almost disappear.每天又吃綠藻、喝菱角湯,樂觀加上每天適當的運動,一年後再到同一公立醫院檢查結果,發現腫瘤不但沒有長大、反而已呈現萎縮狀態,遂令醫院檢查人 員驚為奇蹟,五年後竟完全處於萎縮、至近於消失狀態。
After almost 40 years, presently Mr Zhang's health is totally normal, and living a very pleasant life.經過了將近四十年歲月,現在張先生的健康情況完全正常,生活起居甚為愉快。
Following Mr Zhang, a Mr Chen Tianshou, who was previously Head of the General Administration of the Taidong Provincial Hospital , was similarly diagnosed with lung cancer.繼張先生之後,有位前台東省立醫院總務課長陳添壽先生,同樣得到肺癌;
When Mr Wei heard of this, he told Mr Chen of the experience of Mr Zhang, and Mr Chen started to follow the instructions of Dr Lu to change his physical condition. The outcome was that he was able to recover fully from the cancer, just like Mr Zhang.魏先生得知後將張先生的經過轉告陳添壽先生,陳先生乃依照呂博士的建議進行改變體質,結果與張先生同樣癒癌症。
At that time, Mr Lu and his family have emigrated to the United States . After the two cases, he returned to Taiwan and met up with Mr Wei.那時呂博士全家已移民美國,事後呂博士回來台灣再與魏先生見面時,
Mr Wei told Dr Lu about the experiences of Mr Zhang and Mr Chen, and suggested that let the two of them detailed their experiences to Dr Lu in person, so that Dr Lu could publish a report on his self cure body conditioning method.魏先生將張先生和陳先生的經過告訴呂博士,並提議由他們倆位親自向呂博士陳述,請呂博士發表其改變體質之自療成果報告。
Dr Lu very humbly replied:呂博士謙虛地回答說:
'I am too old, besides, I do not have any clinical records of the outcomes. I would ask that you tell yourfriends and relatives, if they are agreeable, then please continue this experience and spread the words ⋯ ⋯我年事已大,且沒有臨床紀錄不能做為成果。請魏先生轉告親友,如果友人認同的話,請他們繼續做體驗並廣為宣導.........。」~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
One should take care of oneself but should also be caring about others, 85% of cancer patients have acidic in their physical condition.關心自己也要關心別人,85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質
*** Blood of healthy persons is weakly alkaline in nature, with a pH of about 7.35 to 7.45* 健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右
*** Babies' blood is also weakly acidic* 嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質
** As adults mature their blood becomes more acidic in nature* 成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象
According to a study of 600 cancer patients, of their bodily fluid, 85% of the patients are acidic .根據一項六百位癌症病人體液分佈的研究,顯示85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質。
Therefore, how to maintain the weakly acidic nature of our body is the first step for moving far away from diseases.因此,如何使體質維持在弱鹼性就是遠離疾病的第一步。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Acidic physical conditions manifest itself in:酸性體質的生理表徵1. Skin without lustre1.皮膚無光澤。2. Athlete's foot2.香港腳。3. Feeling tire even with very little exercise, and feeling sleep the moment one gets on to public buses3.稍做運動即感疲勞,一上公車便想睡覺。4. Easily out of breath going up and down stairs4.上下樓梯容易氣喘。5. Fat and with lower stomach protruding,5.肥胖、下腹突出。6. Move slowly and movement lethargic6.步伐緩慢、動作遲緩。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Why does the body physical condition turn acidic? 為什麼會形成酸性體質?
1. Excessive intake of dairy acidic food1.過度攝取乳酸性食品a) meat, dairy products, eggs, beef, ham, etc are acidic fooda)肉類、乳酪製品與蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆屬於酸性食品。b) taking too much acidic food will cause the blood to become acidic and viscous, difficult to flow to the end of blood vessels, leading to cold feet or knee, stiff shoulders and insomnia.b)攝取過量的酸性食品血液會傾向酸性而變黏稠,不易流到細血管的末稍,而易造成手腳或膝蓋的冷寒症,以及肩膀僵硬和失眠等。c) When one is young and strong, taking suitable quantity of meat is appropriate, but older people it more suitable to have a diet which are primarily vegetables or small fish.c)年輕力壯時吃適量的肉類是對的,但老年人則以蔬菜或小魚為宜。
2. Irregularity in the pace of life will cause the body physical condition to become acidic2.生活步調失常會造成酸性體質a) Irregular pace in life will lead to mental and physical stressa)生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。b) According to statistics, people who sleep late are more likely to have cancer than normal persons, by as much as 5 times.b)據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出五倍。c) Human beings originally lead a life with regular tempo in this world, it is not possible to store up sleep or food and not possible to change the order of living by mixing up days and nights.c)人類本來就活在節奏的世界裡,無法事先儲備睡眠或飲食,也不能日夜顛倒。d) Human organs are controlled by the autonomic nerves, and during day time it is mainly sympathetic nerves activities, and at night it is mainly the parasympathetic nerves which are functioning, If this order is disturbed and reversed, then diseases will result.d)人體內臟受自律神經控制,白天主要是交感神經活動,晚上則由副交感神經工作,若使其錯亂及倒置,就亦百病滋生。
3. Emotion over tensed3.情緒過於緊張a) Civilised society brings stressesa)文明社會會造成的壓力。b) Job related or mental stressesb)工作上或精神上的壓力。c) A person suffers mental stress, when the stress is removed and the person relaxes, sometimes this may lead to death, referred to as the syndrome of imperfect adrenal cortex function.c)當一個人承受精神壓力後,一旦緊張鬆弛,時會造成猝死,稱為潛在性副腎皮質機能不全症。
4. Physical Stress4.肉體的緊張a) Before any operation it would be necessary to check to see if the renal cortex does function normally. If the adrenal cortex is lacking, or if the stress imposed by the operation exceeded the ability of adrenal cortex to cope, it could lead to death or other undesirable impacts.a)動手術之前應先檢查腎上腺皮質機能是否正常。如果副腎皮質機能較差,或手術壓力遠超過副腎調整功能,則可能造成病人死亡或其他不良影響。b) If it noted that patient's face is puffy, it would be necessary to inquire in detail the patient's medical history and medication status, for patients taking adrenal cortical hormone, extra care should be exercise when administering acupuncture.b)若發現病患臉部浮腫,需詳加詢問病史及服藥狀況,為長期服用腎上腺皮質賀爾蒙者,施以針灸要特別注意反應。c) Stress due to physical labour or exercise in excess, whole night card games, driving etc should be avoided as much as possiblec)勞動或運動過度,通宵打牌、開車等壓力都應盡量避免。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Appendix: Acidity/alkalinity of Common food stuff附錄:常見食物的酸鹼性
1. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod.1強酸性食品:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖做的西點或柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。2. Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat etc2.中酸性食品:火腿、培根、雞肉、鮪魚、豬肉、鰻魚、牛肉、麵包、小麥、奶油、馬肉等。3. Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, oil fried tofu, sea weed, clam, octopus, catfish3.弱酸性食品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章魚、泥鰍。4. Weakly alkaline food: red bean, radish, apple, cabbage, onion, tofu etc.4.弱鹼性食品:紅豆、蘿蔔、蘋果、甘藍菜、洋蔥、豆腐等。5. Mildly alkaline food: dried radish, soya bean, carrot, tomato, banana, orange, pumpkin, strawberry, egg white, dried plum, lemon, spinach, etc.5.中鹼性食品:蘿蔔乾、大豆、紅蘿蔔、蕃茄、香蕉、橘子、南瓜、草莓、蛋白、梅乾、檸檬、菠菜等。6. Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, grape wine, kelp sprout, kelp, etc. Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of chlorophyll are very good alkaline health food, but tea should not be drunk in excess, and best to drink in the morning.6. 強鹼性食品:葡萄、茶葉、葡萄酒、海帶芽、海帶等。尤其是天然綠藻富含葉綠素,是不錯的鹼性健康食品,而茶類不宜過量,最佳飲用時間為早上。